Saturday, June 10, 2017

Great Leaders

This week we have learned about being good leaders.  As I have read the articles and watched the videos for class this week it has reinforced the things that I have learned over the last six months about leadership.  The first one for me is trust.  It is important that we have leaders or are leaders that can be trusted.  If you say you are going to do something you need to do your very best to get it done. This has been huge this week for my husband and I.  We have worked our tails off at one of our rental properties for two weeks now.  We had told them we thought we could get them into the house last Saturday, but that we had to wait and see how the flooring went.  Well by Saturday we knew there was no way we would get it done so we told them we would do the best we could to get them in as soon as possible.  On Monday, we decided to tell them we for sure they could move in on Saturday.  However, the progress this week has been super slow even though we have been there for at least 4 hours every night after work and on a few days I went over with my son and worked on it during the day for a few hours.  It has been exhausting both mentally and physically.  We finally did get it done today and I am so relieved.  We had to ask for help, as we never could have done it ourselves.  I hate asking others for help, when I know people are busy and it is for our rental business where we will make money and not necessarily for a personal thing.  However, people were willing to help and we are grateful for it. In the end, we were able to keep our word and our commitment and the tenants took possession of the house this afternoon.  I hope we showed that we can be trusted and will fulfill our commitments, even when it is a difficult situation.  As a leader, those around you have to be able to trust you.

For my $100 challenge bread business, as you can see we were super busy with the rental property, so it wasn't until Friday that I was able to work on the bread business again.  I made several loaves so they were ready for the bread party in the evening.  I sold out and have orders for several more.  I will make those on Monday and deliver them to the recipients.  I am now up to $58 profit, the initial investment has been paid back and at this point I have almost all the ingredients needed to get me through the rest of the challenge, except for the perishable ones.  I will be setting up another bread party, hopefully for next Friday.  I am glad I have finally made a profit and have two repeat customers and one of the customers her daughter even bought some bread for her boyfriend.  It has been slow, especially with everything else that has been going on, but I have definitely made progress each week.  I still hope to make a $200 profit by the end of the challenge.  I'll keep trying until it is finished.

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