Friday, May 5, 2017

Time Management, Business and Readings

Time Management
This week has been a huge struggle.  First, I am still trying to get used to permanently being home and so feeling like I have all the time in the world to accomplish things.  Second, wanting to be helpful any chance I can get.  Third, learning how to say no.  Forth, getting on a schedule.

This week I have had at least three fairly large "appointments" for lack of a better word each day, which has taken me away from homework and working on my business.  I know some weeks will be like this, but it felt very disheartening.  At first I was saying, "I love being able to help people all the time."  However, as the week went on I felt like it was so much that it was becoming a detriment to me.  It felt frustrating.  I believe that if I can make and KEEP a schedule I will not only feel like I accomplish more but I WILL accomplish more.  I know there are going to be days that I will want and need to help others, but I would like to limit it at least right now because I am really trying to focus on three things all at once and it makes things hard.  I need to get my homework done for school each week.  I need to work on my business/internship and getting it up and running.  I need to begin working on my $100 Challenge business for my school class.  All three things are quite demanding and so interruptions make it frustrating to me.

I know I can do this, it is just sticking to the schedule for a few weeks until I get over the initial start up hump and can move more into the auto pilot/cruise control mode. What I have learned this week is that I really need to stick to my schedule, as if I really was going to a regular job, so I can accomplish a lot in the time I have and not have to cut into family time all the time to make up for what I didn't get done earlier.  My goal going forward is to get up at 7am when my husband and son leave to go to work and school, get ready for the day and by 8am begin working on my tasks for the day.  Then I can be done by 3pm when it is time to pick up my son.  I realize that is not a full day of work, but it is better than what is happening now and I can really accomplish a lot during that time if I stick to my schedule.

For my $100 challenge, a lot of background stuff has been happening with it.  I initially shared my ideas on Facebook with my friends and most of them thought the bread business would be the best. My friend and I went out on Wednesday evening and we were talking about it.  She asked me what kind of breads I was thinking and I told her, but as we talked I thought of a few other kinds I could do.  However, then I had to reel myself back in and realize for now I need to keep it to just a few and not create more work for myself.  One of the breads I talked about our family has made for years but we always just called it "Yummy Bread".  So I explained some of the ingredients in it and she was all excited.  I said, "I guess I need to be like Sams and have a sample to give out."  She said, "why don't we have a bread party at my house?  I could invite some people for a brunch type get together and you can have your bread there for people to sample and then take orders."  I thought it was a fabulous idea!  The next day she told me her daughter has appointed herself as my marketing director and is going to make bread invitations with a cute saying on them about "rising to the occasion" and the party would go until at "yeast" noon. I am glad to have friends who are willing to help out and make this successful!  Next week my goal is to work on the pricing and make the final decision about which breads I am going to make.  I also want to see if one of my other friends from church might be willing to have a bread party at her house as well.  Then I could have the sample to share with that circle of people too.  Or maybe I should just have the party at my own house and invite church people but also those from my previous job.  Or do both!  All of it is a work in progress.

We have been asked to read E-Myth for my class.  I was interested to read the first few chapters and the author stated that within a start-up business the owner needs to have three personalities.  The Entrepreneur, The Manager, and the Technician.  It was interesting how the author explained each one and why each are needed.  I believe that right now I am more of a technician with a manager thrown in.  While I am doing a start up, I don't necessarily believe that I am an entrepreneur.  I don't always see things in a new way, but I tend to think I can probably do something that is being currently done in a better way.  So I guess that is where you would see the Entrepreneur side in me.  I hope that as I continue to read, I will find ways to bring all three sides out in me so that I can be successful at both businesses we currently have and any that we may open in the future.

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