Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A Successful Entrepreneur I Will Be

As a new semester of school starts and the changes that have happened and will happen in the next few weeks, I pray that I will continue to learn the lessons that our Heavenly Father has in store for me.  I also plan on using my time to become a truly successful entrepreneur.

Right now to get us through this hurdle of me quitting my job and therefore less income coming into our house, I have chosen to read the book "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey.  My husband and I have been on the total money makeover, but I have never read the book.  My friend showed me the videos and we were off.  We paid off one major credit card and have an emergency fund, we have saved for the remainder of my schooling (since I will no longer have tuition reimbursement from my job), and saved for three vacations so we can pay cash for everything.  There are still some things I think we can cut back on and my husband and I even discussed last night possibly selling his car even though we don't have a car payment on it, but we still have to do the maintenance, pay for a tag and insurance. We think that we may be better off if I am not working and he will be working from home every other day, there will rarely be a need for us each to have a car.  We'll have to pray and decide if that is the best option.  We know Heavenly Father will let us know.

I have not made a decision yet about my $100 challenge.  I was originally going to just use the Etsy shop I intent to start, but then I realized that it says I have to liquidate it at the end and I don't want to do that.  So I need to still make some decisions in regards to that.

I look forward to starting my own Etsy shop and hope that this class will help push me towards that along with my internship.  I know there will be so much to learn and I can't wait to learn it all and put it into use.  I will continue to record the things that I am learning here, as I have done in the past, so that I may go back and remember what I need to do and how I need to do it, so I may be a successful entrepreneur.

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