Friday, November 4, 2016

Keep going

This week the theme that I got the most from was to never give up.  It reminds me of the picture of a frog in the mouth of a bird.  The frog is holding the bird's neck so the bird cannot swallow it.  If we don't give up then we can still be successful.

As entrepreneurs it is hard work and sometimes you get knocked down.  Just as in life, sometimes we just have to put one foot in front of the other and keep going.  Not everything is going to be easy, not every time are we going to succeed.  But if we can get back up and keep going and try again we will ultimately succeed.  Lately, I have felt very overwhelmed, frustrated and sad.  I keep feeling like things just keep going wrong. Maybe the Lord is testing me to see how I will handle it.  I think I fail miserably at it (as I am crying in my bedroom), but then I remember that I have to keep going. I may slow momentarily, but I don't completely give up.  I try again and again and eventually the next day comes and things do get better.  I learn from it and I keep trying.

I worry about money and about losing everything, as I spoke about in my fears posting.  So we have taken very few risks in our rental property business.  We have been trying to start our business since probably 2002.  However, it took us until 2013, when we bought our new house to keep the old house and make it a rental property. In March of this year, we bought our second rental property.  We keep going forward, we are more like the tortoise than the hare.  Hopefully it will pay off, but at this point it is making it hard to achieve our ultimate goals because we are going so slow.  However, I know that as we keep going we will be blessed.  We will not have the risk of losing our properties because we have grown our business too fast and our finances could not support it.

My favorite quote of this week's assignments came from the Mormon Message video called, "Good Things To Come."  The video can be found here.  Elder Holland says, "Don’t give up...Don’t you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead—a lot of it...You keep your chin up. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come...Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come."

I know that with the help of the Lord, I can be successful in my life and in business.  I know that as I put the Lord first in all that I do, he will direct my paths.  I need to be willing to keep going, keep walking, keep trying, and not give up.  As I follow Him, I will be successful.

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