Friday, October 21, 2016


This week in watching the videos for our class I have learned about balance.  It is important for us to put the time and energy into our businesses, but it is more important for us to spend time with our family and putting the Lord first.

Last night we had a training meeting at church and one of the leaders asked us what things need to be done to increase our personal spirituality.  The regular Sunday School lessons were stated, reading our scriptures, saying our prayers, attending church, going to the temple, and having Family Home Evening.  Of course, I have heard all these many times over the course of my life so that was not new, nor was the leader's comment, however it struck me more this time than others.  He said, "what is more important than taking the time to do these things?"  I thought about how doing other things instead of these can jeopardize my salvation.  Is that TV show or video game or whatever else it may be, more important than doing the things that bring me closer to God?   Am I willing to risk it?  What do I treasure?  Is it wealth and fortune or is it family and God?  If I truly treasure my family and God, then I need to put them first.  I need to make sure that I spend time doing those things that bring me closer to them.

This past weekend (technically Wednesday through Sunday) we went to Vero Beach, FL and spent five days there.  We went sight seeing and learning.  It was an amazing vacation.  It was wonderful to relax and get away from the craziness of school, work and daily household chores.  I saw my son light up and take in so much information.  He just kept talking about how much he learned and how much fun he was having.  He answered questions that the instructor or tour guide would ask him and they were amazed with the knowledge he had.  I came to realize that our son thrives in a hands on learning environment.  He does horrible in a regular classroom setting where he has to sit still in a seat and listen to a teacher lecture.  But if he is able to go and see and do, he absorbs everything!  

I know it will take time to get our business going and have the income that will allow us to go to places like this often and have him learn from real life experiences and museums rather than learning history from a textbook.  I am not saying those things are bad, but they just aren't right for my son. The more and more I think and pray about it, the more and more convinced I am that there is a better way for him.  It is amazing what a few days away with your family will help you see.  You realize what is important and how quickly time passes and if you don't stay connected and keep your life in balance.  You can lose so much.

I am grateful for my family and for the gospel.  I am grateful for the inspiration that I receive and that as I follow that inspiration, the blessings flow forth.  I pray that as my family continues on this crazy journey full of changes every day (between trying to become debt free and paying cash for everything, to getting closer to quitting my part time job, to continuing to build our rental property business, to now this possibility of home schooling my son) that we will continue to be directed and continue to have an open mind.  If we take the time to stop and really think about all the possibilities and not be so quick to make decisions, I believe that we will ultimately end up where we want to be, or at the very least, where the Lord wants us to be.

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